Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hide it in your heart...

Hi friends,
I'm in the process of creating some new jewelry, using pages from an old Bible that I picked up a few months back.  Just like our Father takes the broken and tattered pieces of our lives and makes something beautiful, I've decided to give the pages new life and at the same time, encouragement to those who will be wearing them.  As I'm making them, I have no idea who will end up with them, but my prayer is that each piece will carry with it the encouragement that He is always with us and that we should keep His Word close to our heart.

To kick off this new design line, I'm giving away a custom made pendant using the winner's favorite verse.  You can leave a comment on here or on my Facebook page status update...

Alright, as a way to celebrate the much needed rain and the down time that brought a good idea to my mind, I've decided to give away one of my new one of a kind jewelry items, made with a page from an old Bible that has been reclaimed and upcycled. Comment on this status with your favorite Scripture verse and tomorrow night, I'll put all of the names in a bowl and let my girls pick a winner! This is not sponsored by or endorsed by Facebook, just wanted to brighten someone's day with the Word. Feel free to share the status and post that you've shared it, then have your friends leave a comment with their favorite verse and your name. You'll get one extra entry for every person who mentions that you referred them!

You'll get an "entry" for your comment, and if you send a friend to "like" the page and they leave a comment saying that you sent them, they'll get an entry for their comment, and you'll get an extra one!  You can also comment here for for another entry.  If you're commenting here on the blog, you'll need to make sure your contact info (such as e-mail or some way to contact you if we're not friends on Facebook ) is available.

I made one for myself using Zephaniah 3:17 and can't wait until it's ready!

Psalm 119:11
I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.  -NLT-

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